Tanguy Pouriel

Fullstack Mobile developer - Expert Flutter

Bordeaux, France

Hi I'm Tanguy ! A freelance developer based on Bordeaux.
With an engineering degree from a top-tier school and 4 years in mobile development, I have a solid experience in mobile development!

I use Flutter to build your app from the ground up or enhance your existing one, whether you're an individual or a business.

My services include:
  • UI design and prototyping with Figma 🎨
  • Maintenance of existing applications and bug resolution 🛠️
  • Full development of Flutter applications, from idea to finished product 🚀
  • Complete backend development with Firebase 🔥
  • Publishing on stores (iOS, Android) 📲
flutter image


A versatile skill set crafted to bring ideas to life—from intuitive UI design to robust backend integration, delivering mobile experiences that make an impact.


Here's a showcase of my mobile development journey—each project representing milestones in my growth and expertise.
From real-world case studies refining my skills to full-time projects with tangible impact, these works capture my dedication to creating seamless, high-performance mobile experiences.



A secure and eco-responsible solution for your file management and sharing usescases

FlutterMaterial 3System ArchitectureFirebaseTypescriptExpressNodeJSTDDE2E testingCI/CDPythonBashDockerSentry


A reverse Akinator game powered by IA and build with Flutter

FlutterWeb appJavascriptNodeJSAppwriteLottieRiveHuggingFace


A fullstack side-project that allows golfers to share their scores in real-time

AndroidKotlinKtorPostgreSQLJetpack Compose


A lean Fintech mobile app UI built with Flutter

FlutterDesign reproduction

Get in touch

Want to chat? Just send me a message
on LinkedIn or via email and I'll respond as fast as I can.